Monday, November 28, 2016

Reflections on Advocacy Writing

The Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley, Inc. (CACLV) is an advocacy group who works to reduce poverty and improve equality for all in the Lehigh Valley/Allentown area. One of the ways they do this is through a combination of environmental initiatives. They believe that environmental sustainability can be achieved with an anti-poverty agenda. They speak out for those who are unable to and advocate for inclusive treatment beyond just environmental action. Having an organization that advocates for equality among a wide range of groups, whether economically, racially, or any other number of demographics creates a stronger community in an area. By doing this CACLV hopes to make the Lehigh Valley an inclusive area with equality for all.
For information on specific programs from CACLV, visit their annual program report.

1 comment:

  1. Good links - I like the quote 0n the annual report: “The Most Dangerous Foe We Have to Fight is Apathy.” - William Osler. The weatherization program might be the closest program to EJ, as an environmental health issue.
