Saturday, November 19, 2016

Environmental Justice

Environmental justice is essentially the fair treatment of people, regardless of economic or social status, race or nationality, and other demographics in regard to environmental problems. Historically, minorities have been marginalized when it comes to environmental actions. It is often simpler for organizations to take advantage of these minorities because they often do not have the power to fight back. By moving something such as a toxic waste dump to these areas, the problem is " not in my backyard" and therefore deemed to be acceptable. Oftentimes these people are unable to defend their homes for fear of losing jobs. This can be seen in coal minors who deal with toxic sludge or lung diseases because they are reliant on the coal industry for their income. These marginalized groups are unfairly treated simply because they have no other option and can be taken advantage of. Environmental justice seeks to remove this inequality and give everyone fair access to a safe and enjoyable environment.

1 comment:

  1. Good reflections - as in your example, environmental justice often extends to occupational health.
