Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Food Security in Iceland

Due to Iceland's geography, Icelanders rely on imports for their main sustenance. Over the years Iceland has grown to become increasingly more reliant on imports. This includes the importation of pre-made foodstuffs or ingredients used in domestic production. Regardless, this makes Iceland susceptible to changes in supply and demand globally. This means food security could be at risk if economic recessions, global conflict, or changes to importation laws occur. Most food is held in the private sector and therefore if one of these aforementioned scenarios was to occur, this could be detrimental to the health of lower class households.

For more information on Iceland's food security risk, read "Food Security in Iceland" by Orri Jóhannsson, M.A. International Relations,ECPR, Reykjavik, August 2011

1 comment:

  1. Very good points about food security from a much different perspective from what many other countries are discussing.
