Thursday, December 8, 2016

Smart Growth Tools

The center city of Allentown deals with problems of a lack of development because of low income. As shown in figure 1, between 30-50% of households in the center of Allentown have an income that is less than $15,000. Not only does income play a role in development, but the balance of doing good and making money as well. The RenewLV program's goal is to provide smart growth through sustainable practices in farmland preservation, food sustainability, and smart transportation. Transportation is important because many workers in the center city rely on it to get to their jobs. 
Figure 1: Household income less than $15,000. Source: Social Explorer
Figure 2: Use of public transportation for workers. Source: Social Explorer

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Presentation Reflections

Similarly to the chapter 10 presentation on metropolitan planning organizations, Allentown has a planning commission, the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission. This commission works on problems of transportation, environment, and community. The goal is to reach equality for the citizens of the Lehigh Valley area through the use of comprehensive planning.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Presentation Reflections

In the presentation on chapter 4, one of the main problems encountered with urban sprawl was civil rights. According to 2010 census data, Allentown is comprised of over 50% of the population white, around 40% Hispanic, and the remaining comprised of mixed races. As Allentown has developed, this has resulted in sprawl.Often the minorities are pushed out of their residential areas to make room for more upscale development. Although this is not the same civil rights issues as found in chapter 4, Allentown is still facing issues of equality in regard to urban sprawl.